Thanks from a grateful colleague.

Created by Anna one year ago

Not so much a story as a eulogy.  Gwilym was an outstanding musician, an inspiring teacher, and a supportive colleague who commanded respect from students and teachers alike.  He was an interesting mixture of self-deprecation with moments of flamboyance with a great sense of fun.  He had a winning combination of his love of music and his concern for the welfare and musical development of the students. He was very generous with his time - always willing to give time to students who needed accompanying for rehearsals, recitals and auditions. Now for two anecdotes........Gwilym was initially a part time teacher when he very quickly made an impression on the students.  The full time post came up and was open to any interested applicants.  Needless to say, I very much encouraged him to apply.  I selected a couple of students to be "guinea pig" soloists whom each shortlisted applicant would have to accompany as part of the selection process.  The students had already made up their minds - they wanted Gwilym!  One student mischievously suggested that she should vary the tempo in her performance knowing that Gwilym would follow so sensitively and hoping that the other applicants would not.  I couldn't possibly comment......     Hurrah, he got the job! Gwilym most of the time was a bundle of energy or he was in what we called "flat battery" mode.  The day before term began he would love to start afresh symbolically - this meant moving the furniture round in the office with great gusto and sorting through music he wanted to work on with the students.  Come the first day he would bounce upstairs to the classroom and galvanise the students back into studying.  At break time he would return to the staffroom, flop down in the chair and say "term's dragging!!"  

All of us who worked with Gwilym will have our own treasured memories. For me, I am so grateful that I had such a committed and energetic colleague and friend for so many years and with so many laughs. Thank you.

Anna Bennetts